Knowing your PAD risk helps you effectively monitor and manage your vascular health. Our team of skilled vascular specialists at The Heart House is here to help you find a solution.
Take Our Free Self-Assessment to Determine Your Risk for PAD

What is PAD?
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a serious circulatory condition in which the blood vessels that carry blood to the legs become damaged or diseased, blocking blood flow to your limbs. In the early stages of PAD, many people have no symptoms at all. As the disease progresses, individuals develop leg pain when walking, slow-healing leg sores, numbness, muscle weakness, and more.

Risks & Prevention
If left untreated, PAD can lead to chronic leg pain, mobility issues, and non-healing ulcers or infections that may require amputation. The good news is that early detection and treatment can help prevent complications. Take our quick and easy online self-assessment to determine your risk for PAD and find out if you should schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated vascular specialists.

How Can We Help?
Knowing your PAD risk helps you effectively monitor and manage your vascular health and prevent the disease from progressing. The vascular specialists at The Heart House are experts in diagnosing and treating vascular conditions, including peripheral arterial disease, peripheral vascular disease, chronic venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, edema, varicose veins, and more.
Start Your Self-Assessment
If the self-assessment shows that you may be at risk for vascular disease, be sure to schedule a consultation with one of our vascular specialists as soon as possible. The results of this test are not meant to formally diagnose you with any conditions but to direct you toward more accurate testing options if needed.

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