No Further Screening Recommended

Thank you for taking our online self assessment! Addressing symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) early-on is the first step in addressing circulation issues. 

Schedule with The Heart House

You Don’t Need to Schedule Further Screening

If you answered no to all of the questions on the self assessment, an vascular screening may not be necessary. However, if you develop any symptoms of PAD, such as leg pain when walking that is relieved by rest, leg numbness, cold legs, or poor wound healing in the feet, contact our experts at the Heart House to schedule an in-depth screening.

The symptoms of PAD may resemble other conditions, so medical evaluation is critical. Be sure to continuously monitor new or worsening symptoms to keep track of your vascular health and catch any blockages that are affecting blood flow.

Find the Care You Need, Close to Home

You took the first step in managing your vascular health– let us do the rest. We make finding exceptional cardiovascular care in New Jersey as convenient as possible for our patients.

If you would like to schedule an ABI screening or a consultation with one of our vascular specialists, we are currently treating in 5 locations across New Jersey.

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